Eye of Cat
- EYE OF CAT - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears as the frontispiece opposite the title page in, "EYE OF CAT," by Roger Zelazny, published in 1982 by Underwood-Miller.
Although my original drawing is in gray tones I decided to present it here in the red tones as it was printed in the book.
Roger Zelazny the writer, had three heads; one of them wrote richly textured, complex tales like, "Lord of Light'" based on Hindu mythology. Another head wrote science fiction action stories like, "Damnation Alley. And his third head wrote humorous tales like, "Doorways in the Sand," which is a dim-wit espionage story involving zany aliens.
You had to like at least one of his heads.

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